8/9/2022 Yard sale 2022 - Thank you listThank you to everyone who participated in the Hillside Beach yard sale on Saturday - both sellers and attendees. We were thrilled to host this event for the first time since 2019. Thank you to Lori at the Hillside Beach Store and Eatery for donating the face painter and wieners for the hot dogs. Thank you to our volunteers - we couldn't have done it without you. Thanks again! We received a lot of feedback throughout the day and look forward to making next year an even better event. Comments are closed.
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204-809-3231 RCMP - Powerview 204-367-8728 (non- emergency) Manitoba Wildlife (204) 754-5040 1-800-782-0076 (after hours) Community contacts News categoriesAll AGM Birds Of Hillside Beach Community-events Community-feedback Community Water Family-fun-day Hbca-projects Movie Night Onalee Save Lake Winnipeg Soccer Camp Special Projects Trails Trainor Yard Sale Archives
October 2023
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